Particle Interface - Particleworks and EDEM


RecurDyn contains an interface specially for co-simulation (2-way co-simulation) between RecurDyn and either fluid or granular dynamics software. This allows RecurDyn to simulate Multi Flexible Body Dynamics properly interacting with fluids or granular materials. RecurDyn is the world’s first commercial Multi Flexible Body Dynamics software to offer such an interface. This interface allows you to easily simulate complicated fluid-solid interactions that were very difficult to simulate in the past.

Particleworks Interface

RecurDyn/Particleworks Interface is specialized for co-simulation between RecurDyn (dynamics analysis software) and Particleworks (CFD software) to easily solve FSI (Fluid Structure Interaction) problems that were previously difficult to be analyzed. Particleworks Interface built into RecurDyn is the world's first interface specialized for co-simulation between dynamics and fluid analysis. It supports easy co-simulation settings, various post-processing functions, and the latest high-speed computation technology. It is also possible to perform dynamic analysis of interaction between fluid and flexible body as well as rigid body. icon-09.png


EDEM Interface

RecurDyn/EDEM Interface is specialized for co-simulation between RecurDyn (dynamic analysis software) and EDEM (DEM particle method software). EDEM Interface built into RecurDyn allows to accurately predict the applied load of a mechanical system through dynamic analysis that considers the interaction between solid particles and mechanical system. It is also possible to perform dynamic analysis of interaction between solid and flexible body as well as rigid body.  icon-09.png


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